अञ्च् 1. (connected with √ अच्q.v. ) cl. 1. Ā. P. अ॑ञ्चति, °ते, आनञ्च, °चे, अञ्चि-ष्यति, °ते, अञ्चितुम्, to bend, curve, incline, curl; to reverence (with inclined body), to honour; to tend, move, go, wander about; to request, [L.] : cl. 10. or Caus. अञ्चयति, to unfold, make clear, produce. Desid. Ā. P. अञ्चिचिषति, °ते, to be desirous of bending: Pass. अञ्च्यते or अच्यते, to be bent. अञ्च् 2. only ifc. , turned to, going or directed towards अकुध्र्याञ्च् See , अ॑वाञ्च्, उदञ्च्, देवद्र्य॑ञ्च्, &c.