Dictionaries | References अ अश्विन् { aśvin } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अश्विन् प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi | | अश्विन् n. वैवस्वत मन्वन्तर का एक देव (अश्विनीकुमार देखिये) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अश्विन् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अश्विन् mfn. mfn. possessed of horses, consisting of horses, [RV.] mounted on horseback, [MārkP.] अश्विन् m. m. a cavalier horse-tamer, [RV.] अश्विन् m. m. du. (इ॑ना or इनौ) ‘the two charioteers’, N. of two divinities (who appear in the sky before the dawn in a golden carriage drawn by horses or birds; they bring treasures to men and avert misfortune and sickness; they are considered as the physicians of heaven), [RV.] &c. a N. of the नक्षत्र presided over by the अश्विन्s, [VarBṛS.] the number, ‘two’ ib.; [Sūryas.] अश्वि-सुतौ (for ) the two sons of the अश्विन्s, viz.नकुल and सहदेव, [MBh. v, 1816] ROOTS:अश्वि सुतौअश्विन् n. n. (= अश्व-वत्n.q.v.) richness in horses, [RV. i, 53, 4.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अश्विन् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अश्विन् [aśvin] a. a. अश्व-अस्त्यर्थे इनि] Possessed of horses, consisting of horses; [Rv.4.2.5] m. A cavalier, a horse-tamer.-नौ (du.) The two physicians of the gods who are represented as the twin sons of the Sun by a nymph in the form of a mare; cf. त्वाष्ट्री तु सवितुर्भार्या वडवारूपधारिणी । असूयत महाभागा सान्तरीक्षेऽश्विनाबुभौ ॥ [According to Vedic conception they are the harbingers of Uṣas or the dawn; they are young, beautiful, bright, swift &c.; and, according to Yāska, they represent the transition from darkness of light, when the intermingling of both produces that inseparable duality expressed by the twin nature of these deities; according to different interpretations quoted in the Nirukta they were 'heaven and earth', 'day and night', 'two kings, performers of holy acts' which may be traced to their dual and luminous nature. Mythically they were the parents of Nakula and Sahadeva and the physicians of the gods and are called Gadāgadau, Svarvaidyau, Dasrau, Nāsatyau, Vādaveyau, Abdhijau &c. They were celebrated for their active benevolence and curative power which they showed in restoring the sage Chyavana, when grown old and decrepit. to youth, and prolonged his life.] Two horses. (In astr.) The twins of the zodiac. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अश्विन् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | अश्विन् m. du. (-नौ) The twin sons of ASWINI by SURYA, and physicians of Swarga. E. अश्विनी and अण् affix, the fem. termination is dropped. ROOTS:अश्विनी अण् Related Words अश्विन् अब्धिजौ शुभ्रयावन् अश्विदेवताक अर्कजौ दास्र भिषग्वर भुरण अब्धितनय गदान्तक विश्पलावसु वडबासुत अश्विसुत भद्रहस्त यज्ञवह यज्ञार्ह मतवचस् देवभिषज् सूर्यावसु सृप्रवन्धुर आश्विनपात्र घृतवर्तनि विपन्यु शुभस्पति वन्धुरायु अतूर्तदक्ष अश्विनकृत भिषक्तम माधूची मधुवाहन द्विस्रक्ति पृथि प्रवरवाहन अभ्यायंसेन्य आशुहेषस् कृष्णिय वाडबेय अश्विमत् दीद्यग्नि रुद्रवर्तनि युयुजानसप्ति मरुत्तम सूर्यपुत्र गदागद ककुह ऋतप्सु शचीपति अश्विसालोक्य आकेनिप दस्रदेवता दस्रसू दुर्गापूजा त्रिवन्धुर मधुकशा देवचिकित्सक स्वर्वैद्य आश्विनेय इर्य शुचन्ति नृतु पुष्करस्रज् प्राणापान दस्र सरण्यू वडबा अप्तुर् दशहरा धर्मवत् त्रिदश उरुगाय विश्वक सप्तवध्रि शयु भुजि नासत्य आश्विन विश्पला जाहुष दानु च्यवान दभीति दम्पति रेभ माध्वी नासिका पवि पेदु घर्म उस्र वन्दन अन्तक दध्यच् तुग्र द्विविद नासिक्य पक्थ पतत्रिन् सूर्या अश्विनी अरुष Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP