Dictionaries | References


   { utkaṇṭhatē }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उत्कण्ठते [utkaṇṭhatē]   Den. Ā.
   To be anxious, pine or be sorry for; [Ś.4;] [Śi.9.54.]
   To yearn, be eagerly desirous of (with gen. or dat.); स्वर्गाय नोत्कण्ठते [V.3,4;] [Mv.6;] उत्कण्ठते च युष्मत्सन्निकर्षस्य [U.6;] 6.21; [Māl.4;] [Bk.5.75.] -Caus. (उत्कण्ठयति) To create anxiety or longing, inspire with tender emotions; [Bh.1.35;] Ghaṭ.5.

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