उत्तम [uttama] a. a. [उद्-तमप्]
Best, excellent (oft. in comp.); उत्तमे शिखरे देवी
[Mahānār. Up.15.5.] स उत्तमः पुरुषः
[Ch. Up.8.12.3.] उत्तमः पुरुषस्त्वन्यः
[Bg.15.17.] द्विजोत्तमः the best of Brāhmaṇas; so सुर˚, नर˚ &c.; प्रायेणाधममध्यमोत्तमगुणः संसर्गतो जायते
[Bh.2.67.] Foremost, uppermost, highest (opp. हीन, जघन्य).
Most elevated, chief, principal.
Greatest, first; स गच्छत्युत्तमस्थानम्
[Ms.2.249.] मः N. of Viṣṇu.
The third person (= first person according to English phraseology). (pl.) N. of a people;
[Mb.] मा An excellent woman.
A kind of pustule or pimple.
The plant Asclepias Rosea Roxb. (दुग्धिका; Mar. भुई- आंवळी, अळिता). -Comp.
-उङ्गम् 'the best limb of the body', the head; कश्चिद् द्विषत्खङ्गहृतोत्तमाङ्गः
[R.7.51;] [Ms.1.93,8.3;] [Ku.7.41;] [Bg.11.27.] the back; तान् क्षिप्रं व्रज सतताग्निहोत्रयाजिन् । मत्तुल्यो भव गरुडोत्तमाङ्गयानः ॥
[Mb.7.143.48.] -अधम a. a. high and low; ˚मध्यम good, middling, and bad; high, low, and middling; (the order is often reversed); cf. भक्षयित्वा बहून्मत्स्यानुत्तमाधम- मध्यमान्
[Pt.1.21.] -अम्भस् n. n. a sort of satisfaction (acquiescence) one of the nine kinds of तुष्टि in Sāṅ. Phil.
-अरणी the plant Asparagus Racemosus (इन्दीवरी शतावरी).
अर्धः the best half.
the last half or part.
-अर्ध्य a. a. pertaining to the best half.
-अहः the last or latest day; a fine or lucky day.
-उपपद a. a. one to whom the best term is applicable, best, excellent.ऋणः, ऋणिकः (उत्तमर्णः) a creditor (opp. अधमर्णः) धारेरुत्तमर्णः
[P.I.4.35;] अधमर्णार्थसिद्धयर्थमुत्तमर्णेन चोदितः
[Ms.8.47,5;] [Y.2.42.] [Śukra.4.831.] (pl.) N. of a people; V. P.,
[Mārk. P.] -ओजस् a. a. of excellent valour, N. of one of the warriors of the Mahābhārata; उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान्
[Bg.1.6.] -गन्धाढ्य a. a. possessing copiously the most delicious fragrance.
-गुण a. a. of the best qualities, best, highest; विघ्नैः पुनः पुनरपि प्रतिहन्यमानाः प्रारब्धमुत्तमगुणा न परित्यजन्ति
[Mu.2.17.] (v. l.)-दशतालम् A sculptural measurement in which the whole height of an image is generally divided into 12 equal parts. The same
[measurement in 112] equal parts is called उत्तमनवताल.
-पदम् a high office.
पु (पू) रुषः the third person in verbal conjugation; (= first person according to English phraseology; in Sanskrit, verbs are conjugated by putting the English I st person last and 3 rd person first).
the Supreme Spirit.
an excellent man.
-फलिनी f. f. The plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Mar. दुधी, दुधाणी).
-लाभः an excellent profit.
-वयसम् The last period of life;
[Śat. Br.] -व्रता A wife devoted to the husband; हृदयस्येव शोकाग्निसंतप्तस्योत्तमव्रताम्
[Bk.9.87.] -वेशः N. N. of Śiva.
शाखः a tree having excellent branches.
N. N. of a region.
-श्रुत a. a. Possessing the utmost learning.
[Rām.] -श्लोक a. a. of excellent fame, illustrious, glorious, well-known, famous.
-कः N. N. of Vi&stoa;ṇu, क उत्तमश्लोक- गुणानुवादात् पुमान् विरज्येत विना पशुघ्नात्
[Bhāg.1.1.4.] -संग्रहः (˚स्त्री˚) intriguing with another man's wife,i. e. speaking with her privately, looking amorously at her &c.
साहसः, सम् the highest (of the fixed) pecuniary punishments; a fine of 1 (or according to some 8,) paṇas;
[Ms.9.24;] [Y.1.366;] पणानां द्वे शते सार्धे प्रथमः साहसः स्मृतः । मध्यमः पञ्च विज्ञेयः सहस्रं त्वेष चोत्तमः ॥ Capital punishment, banishment, confiscation, and mutilation are also regarded as forms of this punishment.