Dictionaries | References


   { utsargḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   to the idol; dedication or consecration.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 


 ना.  बाहेर टाकणे , सोडणे ( विशेषत : शरीराच्या बाहेर ).


   बाहेर टाकणें ; टाकून देणें ; त्याग ; दान ; अर्पण . सामाशब्द - मलोत्सर्ग ; मूत्रोत्सग ; वृषोत्सर्ग वगैरे . संक्रमण उत्सर्ग । विण्मूत्राचा । - ज्ञा १३ . ११९ .
   नियम ; विधि ; रीत . उ० उत्सर्ग शास्त्र ; मनुष्यानें सत्य बोलावें या उत्सर्गाचा कोणेकाचा प्राणरक्षणार्थ असत्यहि बोलावें या विशेष वचनानें बाध होतो .
   धर्म करणें विहीर , धर्मशाळा इ० देवास अर्पण करणें . [ सं . उत + सृज = टाकणें ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उत्-सर्ग   a &c. see col.3.
उत्-सर्ग  m. bm. pouring out, pouring forth, emission, dejection, excretion, voiding by stool &c., [R.] ; [Mn.] ; [Megh.] ; [Suśr.] &c.
   excretion (personified as a son of मित्र and रेवती), vi, 18, 5">[BhP. vi, 18, 5]
   laying aside, throwing or casting away, [Gaut.] ; [Kum.]
   loosening, setting free, delivering (N. of the verses, xiii, 47-51">[VS. xiii, 47-51] ), [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [PārGṛ.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   abandoning, resigning, quitting, retiring from, leaving off
   end, close, KātyŚr.; [ĀśvŚr.] and, [ĀśvGṛ.] ; [MBh.] ; [Mn.] &c.
   handing over, delivering
   granting, gift, donation, [MBh.]
   oblation, libation
   presentation (of anything promised to a god or Brāhman with suitable ceremonies)
   a particular ceremony on suspending repetition of the वेद, iv, 97; 119">[Mn. iv, 97; 119] ; [Yājñ.] &c.
   causation, causing, iii, 7, 19">---18---
अप-वाद   (in gr.) any general rule or precept (opposed to , q.v.), ---19--- ; [Kāś.] ; [Siddh. &c.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उत्सर्गः [utsargḥ]   1 laying or leaving a side, abandoning, suspension; श्रीलक्षणोत्सर्गविनीतवेवाः [Ku.7.45.]
   pouring out, dropping down, emission; तोयोत्सर्गद्रुततरगतिः [Me.19,] 39; so शुक्र˚.
   A gift, donation, giving away; (धनस्य) उत्सर्गेण शुध्यन्ति [Ms.11.193.]
   spending; अर्थ˚ [Mu.3.]
   loosening, letting loose; as in वृषोत्सर्गः
   An oblation, libation.
   excretion, voiding by stool &c.; पुरीष˚, मलमूत्र˚.
   completion (as of study or a vow); cf. उत्सृष्टा वै वेदाः (opp. उपाकृता वै वेदाः).
   A general rule or precept (opp. अपवाद a particular rule or exception); अपवादैरिवो- त्सर्गाः कृतव्यावृत्तयः परैः [Ku.2.27,] अपवाद इवोत्सर्गं व्यावर्तयितु- मीश्वरः [R.15.7.]
   offering what is promised (to gods, Brāhmaṇas &c.) with due ceremonies.
   The anus; मित्रमुत्सर्गे [Ms.12.121.]
   A heap, mass; अन्नस्य सुबहून् राजन्नुत्सर्गान्पर्वतोपमान् [Mb.14.85.38.]
   dedication, securing the services (of priests). उत्सर्गे तु प्रधानत्वात् etc. [MS.3.7.19.] (where शबर paraphrases उत्सर्ग by परिक्रय).-Comp.
-समितिः   carefulness in the act of excretion so that no living creature be hurt (Jaina).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उत्सर्ग  m.  (-र्गः)
   1. Abandoning, quitting.
   2. Resigning, retiring from.
   3. giving, donation.
   4. any precept or rule.
   5. presentation of any thing promised to a god or brahman, with suitable ceremonies. 6. A particular ceremony prepartory to a course of the Vedas.
   7. dejection, excretion, voiding by stool, &c.
   E. उत् before सृज् to quit, to leave, घञ् aff.

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