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   { upasampanna }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उप-संपन्न  mfn. mfn. arrived at, reached, obtained, [L.]
   one who has reached, [MBh.] Comm. on [BṛĀrUp.]
   furnished with, [R.] ; [MBh.] ; [Mn.]
   familiar with, [MBh. xiii]
   staying or dwelling in the same house, xiv, 22">[Gaut. xiv, 22] ; [Mn. v, 81]
   prepared, dressed, cooked, [L.]
   enough, sufficient, [L.]
   dead, deceased, [L.]
   immolated, sacrificed (as a victim), [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपसंपन्न [upasampanna] p.p. p.  p. p.
   gained, obtained. भ्रातृत्वमुपसंपन्नो परिष्वज्य परस्परम् [Rām.7.35.42.]
   arrived at.
   furnished with, possessing; कुसुमैरुपसंपन्ना नदी [Rām.]
   familiar with.
   enough, sufficient.
   killed at a sacrifice (as an animal), immolated.
   dead, deceased.
   cooked, dressed (as food).
   staying or dwelling in the same house; श्रोत्रिये तूपसंपन्ने [M.5.81.] -न्नम् condiment. किंचित्कालोपभोग्यानि यौवनानि धनानि च [Pt.2.117;] अस्माकमुपभोग्यो भविष्यति [Pt.1.] will become our prey.
   ग्यम् any object of enjoyment.
   expense incurred for protection (on food, clothing, education &c.); व्ययी- कृतं रक्षणार्थमुपभोग्यं तदुच्यते [Śukra.2.335.]

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