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   { upādā }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपा   -√ 1.दाĀ.-दत्ते, (once P.pf. 3. pl.-ददुस्, [BhP. i, 8, 12] ) to receive, accept, gain, acquire, appropriate to one's self, take away, carry off, steal, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; [Mālav.] &c. ;
to take with;
to take in addition, include, comprise;
to take as help, use, employ, apply, [BhP.] ; [Pat.] (cf.उपा--दाय);
to seize, lay hold of, gather, take up, draw up, [MBh.] ; [Ragh.] ; [Kum.] &c.;
to assume (a form or meaning), [BhP.] ; [MārkP.] ; [Pat.] &c.;
to cling to;
to feel, perceive, experience, [MBh. vii] ; [Śiś. vi, 23] ; [Ṛtus.] &c.;
to consider, regard, [MBh. xii] ;
to mention, enumerate;
to set about, undertake, begin, [Hariv.] ; [Kum.] &c.:
Caus.P.-दापयति, to cause to use or employ Comm. on KātyŚr.:
Desid.P.-दित्सति, to strive to acquire, [BhP. v, 14, 7.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपादा [upādā]   3 Ā. (p. p. उपात्त)
   To receive, accept, take.
   To acquire, obtain; भूर्या पितामहोपात्ता निबन्धो द्रव्यमेव च [Y.2.121.]
   To give to, furnish with; उपाददे तस्य सहस्ररश्मिः; [Ku.7.41.]
   To take, appropriate to oneself, assume; मदलौल्यमुपाददे [Śi.6.23.]
   To take away or off, carry away; steal.
   To seize, attack; [Pt.3.] 154.
   To take, lay hold of; धनुरधिज्यमनाधिरुपाददे [R. 9.54;] to draw (water)
   To assume a form.
   To feel, perceive, experience; उपात्तहर्षैः पुंस्कोकिलैः [Rs.6.21.]
   To consider, regard.
   To take in addition, include, comprise; अत्र तैलशब्दस्तिलभवस्नेहरूपमुख्यार्थमुपादाय सार्षपादिस्नेहेषु वर्तते [S. D.2.]
   To employ, apply, use; यत्परस्य कुत्साथमुपादीयते [Mbh.]
   To undertake, begin; as in उपात्तयज्ञः; प्रजासर्गमुपादार्य [Mb.12.] 228.49.
   To mention, enumerate; इति पूर्वसूत्रोपात्तानाम् Sk. -Caus.
   To cause to use, apply or employ.
   To make use of.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : ग्रह्, आलम्ब्, आदृ, आदा, अर्ज्, ग्रह्

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