ओष्ठः [ōṣṭhḥ] [उष्यते उष्णाहारेण, उष्-कर्मणि थन्
[Uṇ.2.4.] ] A lip (lower or upper); द्वावोष्ठौ छेदयेन्नृपः
[Ms.8.282;] अधर˚, बिम्ब˚.
-ष्ठी A creeper bearing a red fruit to which the lip is commonly compared (बिम्बफल; Mar. तोण्डली). (In comp. the अ or आ of words before ओष्ठ may be optionally dropped, and the fem. may end in आ or ई as बिम्बो (म्बौ) ष्ठा. [Vārt. ओत्वोष्ठयोः समासे वा Sk. on
[P.VI.1.94.] ] [cf. L. ostium]. -Comp.
-अधरौ, -रम् the upper and lower lip.
-अवलोप्य a. a. Which could be eaten with lips; मांसान्योष्ठावलोप्यानि साधनीयानि, देवताः । अश्नन्ति... ॥
[Bk.5.] 14.
-उपमफला, -भा -फला the creeper Bryonia Grandis (whose fruit resembles a lip. Mar. तोंडली).
-कोपः, -प्रकोपः a disease of the lips.
-ज a. a. labial (produced by the lips).
-जाहम् the root of the lip.
-पल्लवः, -वम् a sprout-like or tender lip.
-पाकः The cracking of lips due to cold &c.
-पुटम् the cavity made by opening the lips.
-पुष्पः -पुष्पम् the tree वन्धुक (Mar. दुपारी).-रोगः any disease of the lips.