काश(ऋ)काशृ r. 1st cl. (
काशते) also
(उ ऋ) (उकाशृ)काश(ऋ)काशृ r. 4th cl. (
काश्यते) 1. To shine.
काश(ऋ)काशृ With
निर् prefixed. To expel.
काश(ऋ)काशृ 2. To hide or obscure; with
प्र, To make or become manifest.
काश m. (
1. Cough, catarrah: see
2. Sneezing.
n. (
1. A species of grass, (Saccharum spontaneum.)
2. Irritation in the throat.
f. (
-शी) Kasi or Benares, the holy city so called. (
-शी or
-शा) Saccharum spontaneum, as above.
E. कश् to sound, in the causal form,
अच् affix; or
काश् to shine,
अच् and
ङीष् fem. aff.
कश् अच् काश् अच् ङीष्