कृत्ति f. af. skin, hide, [RV. viii, 90, 6] ; [VS.] ; [AV.] कृत् a garment made of skin ( fr. √ 3.?), [Nir. v, 22] the hide or skin on which the religious student sits or sleeps, &c. (usually the skin of an antelope), [W.] the birch tree, [L.] the bark of the birch tree (used for writing upon, for making hooka pipes, &c.), [W.] कृत्तिका (= ) one of the lunar mansions (the Pleiads), [L.] कुटी a house, [Naigh. iii, 4] (probably with reference to, [RV. viii, 90, 6] ; but cf. ) food, [Nir. v, 22] यशस् fame (), ib.; कृत्ति [ cf. Hib. cart; Lat. cortex.] कृत्ति bकृ॑त्तिका See √ 2.कृत्.