गत [gata] गति [gati] गति &c. see under गम्.
गत [gata] p.p. p. p. p. [गम्-क्त]
Gone, departed, gone for ever;
[Mu.1.25;] किं गते सलिले सेतुबन्धेन, किं गते विवाहे नक्षत्रपरीक्षया
[Vb.4.] 'what is the use of locking the stable-door when the steed is stolen ?'
Passed away, elapsed, past; गदायां रात्रौ.
Dead, deceased, departed to the next world; गत एव न ते निवर्तते
[Ku.4.3.] Gone to, arrived at, reaching to.
Being in, situated in, resting on, contained in; usually in comp.; प्रासादप्रान्तगतः Pt.1 seated on &c.; सदोगतः
[R.3.66] seated in the assembly; भर्तारं गता
[Ś.4.13] united to a husband; so आद्य˚; सर्वगत existing everywhere.
Fallen into, reduced to; e. g. आपद्गतः
Referring or relating to, with regard to, about, concerning, connected with (usually in comp.); राजा शकुन्तलागतमेव चिन्तयति
[Ś.5;] भर्तृगतया चिन्तया Ś4; वयमपि भवत्यौ सखीगतं किमपि पृच्छामः Ś1; so पुत्रगतः स्नेहः &c.
Frequented, resorted to; सुहृद्˚
[Ku.4.24.] Known, celebrated.
Directed towards, belonging to.
Known, understood.
dead, annihilated, lifeless.
-सन्नकः an elephant out of rut.
-स्पृह a. a. indifferent to worldly attachments; गतस्पृहो धैर्यधरः कृपालुः Vaidyajīvanam.
तम् Motion, going; गतमुपरि घनानां वारिगर्भोदराणाम्
[Ś.7.7;] [Śi.1.2,] 7.4.
Gait, manner of going;
[Ku.1.34;] हंस प्रयच्छ मे कान्ता गतिरस्यास्त्वया हृता
[V.4.16.] An event.
The place where one has gone.
Celebration, being known, diffusion; यावन्नाम्नो गतम्
[Ch. Up.7.1.5.] Manner. (As first member of comp. translated by 'free from', 'bereft of', 'deprived of', 'without'.)-Comp.
-अक्ष a. a. sightless, blind.
-अध्वन् a.
one who has accomplished or finished a journey; बलैरध्युषि- तास्तस्य विजिगीषोर्गताध्वनः
[R.4.46,11.33.] conversant, familiar (with anything); त्रिविधे मोक्षधर्मेऽस्मिन्गताध्वा छिन्नसंशयः
[Mb.12.32.25.] (-f.) the time immediately preceding new moon when a small streak of the moon is still visible; (चतुर्दशीयुक्ताऽमावास्या).
-अनुगतम् following custom or precedent.
-अनुगतिक a. a. doing as others do, a blind follower; गतानुगतिको लोको न लोकः पार- मार्थिकः
[Pt.1.342] 'people are blind followers or servile imitators';
[Mu.6.5.] -अन्त a. a. one whose end has arrived.
meaningless (the meaning being already expressed).
-असु, -जीवित, -प्राण a. a. expired, dead; गतासूनगतासूंश्च नानुशोचन्ति पण़्डिताः
[Bg.2.11.] आगतम् going and coming, frequent visits; आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरहः संक्षीयते जीवितम्
[Bh.3.7;] [Bg.9.21;] [Mu.2.3;] 4.1.
interchange of place; कष्टं स्मरामि तव तानि गता- गतानि
[Māl.9.47.] the flight of a bird backward and forward.
irregular course of the stars (in astronomy).
Narration of past and future; स सर्वमखिलं राज्ञो वंशस्याह गतागतम्
[Rām.7.51.23.] -आधि a. a. free from anxiety, happy.
-आयुस् a. a. decrepit, infirm, very old.
आर्तवा a woman past her child-bearing.
a barren woman.
-उत्साह a. a. disspirited, dejected. -ओजस्a. bereft of strength or energy.
-कल्मष a. a. freed from crime or sin, purified.
-क्लम a. a. refreshed; संविशेत्तु यथाकालमुत्तिष्ठेच्च गतक्लमः
[Ms.7.225.] -चेतन a. a. deprived of sense or consciousness, insensible, senseless.
-त्रप a. a. bold, without fear or shame;
[Bhāg.8.8.29.] -दिनम्, -दिवसः the past day, yesterday.
-दिनम् ind.. yesterday.
-प्रत्यागत a. a. returned after having gone away;
[Ms.7.186.] -प्रभ a. a. bereft of splendour, dim, obscured, faded.
-प्राण a. a. lifeless, dead.
-प्राय a. a. almost gone, nearly passed away; गतप्राया रजनी.
भर्तृका a widow.
(rarely) a woman whose husband has gone abroad (= प्रोषितभर्तृका); किमु मुहुर्मुहुर्गतमर्तृकाः
[Śi.] -मनस्क a. a. thinking of (loc.); सपदि गतमनस्कः (प्रियायाः केशपाशे)
[R. 9.67.] bereft of lustre or splendour, faded.
deprived of wealth, impoverished, suffering losses.
-वयस्, -वयस्क a. a. advanced in years, aged, old; गतवयसामपि पुंसां येषामर्था भवन्ति ते तरुणाः
[Pt.1.1.] -वर्षः, -र्षम् the past year.
-वैर a. a. at peace (with), reconciled.-व्यथ a. free from pain; प्रत्तां दुहितरं सम्राट् सदृक्षाय गत- व्यथः
[Bhāg.3.22.24.] -शैशव a. a. past child-hood. -श्रमa. unmindful of troubles; आदित्यपथमाश्रित्य जगाम स गतश्रमः
[Rām.6.74.5.] free from attachment; गतसङ्गस्य युक्तस्य
[Bg.4.23.] adverse or indifferent to.-सत्त्व a.