ग्रथित mfn. mfn. strung, tied, bound, connected, tied together or in order, wound, arranged, classed, [RV. ix, 97, 18] ; [ŚBr. xi] ; [MBh.] &c. set with, strewn with, [MBh.] &c. artificially composed or put together (the plot of a play), [Śak. i, 1/2] ; [Mālav. i, 1/2] ; [Vikr.] closely connected with each other, difficult to be distinguished from each other, [MBh. i, v, xii] ; [BhP. iv f.] having knots, knotty, [Suśr. i f., iv] coagulated, thickened, hardened, vi hurt, injured, [L.] seized, overcome, [L.] ग्रथित n. n. the being strung Sch. a tumour with hard lumps or knots, [Suśr. ii, 14, 1 and 4; iv, 21, 3.]