Dictionaries | References


   { glahḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ग्लह  m. m. (√ ग्रह्, [Pāṇ. 3-3, 70] ) cast of the dice, game at dice, [AV. iv, 38, 1 f.] ; [Yājñ. ii, 199] ; [MBh. ii] (ग्लहं-√ दिव्, to play at dice for [instr.], 2179), v
   the stake in playing at dice, [MBh. ii f.] ; [Hariv. 6735 ff.] ; [BhP. vi, x]
   a die, [MBh. viii, 3763]
   a dice-box, ii, 1968
   contention, bet, iii, 10652; [Daś. vii, 135]
   the prize or object fought for in a contest, person aimed at, [MBh. vi, vii f.] ; [Bālar. v, 1]
   a chessman, [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ग्लहः [glahḥ]   [cf. [P.III.3.7] ]
   A dice-player; तावकानां जये भीष्मो ग्लह आसीद्विशांपते [Mb.6.114.44.]
   A stake, wager, bet; प्राणग्लहोऽयं समरः [Bhāg.6.12.17;] व्यात्युक्षीम- भिसरणग्लहामदीव्यन् [Śi.8.32.]
   A die.
   Gambling, playing.
   A dice box.
   Cast of the dice, game at dice; ग्लहे शतिकवृद्धेस्तु [Y.2.199.]
   A chess-man.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ग्लह (उ) ग्लहु   r. 1st and 10th cls. (ग्लहति-यति) To take, to receive or ac- cept: see ग्रह आदाने वा चुरा-उभ पक्षे भ्वा-सक-वेट् .
ग्लह  m.  (-हः) Gaming, playing with dice.
   E. ग्लह् to take, &c. affix अच् or it is derived irregularly from ग्रह, and
ग्लह् अच् ग्रह
   with अप् aff.

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