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   { caṇḍa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
CAṆḌA   (See Caṇḍamuṇḍās).


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : चंड


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चण्ड  mfn. mf(, [VarBṛS. lxviii, 92] ; , [R. ii] ; [Vikr.] ; [Ragh.] &c.)n. (probably fr.चन्द्र॑, ‘glowing’ with passion) fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angry, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
चण्ड  mfn. mf()n. circumcised, [L.]
चण्ड  m. m.N. of a mythical being (च॑ण्डस्य नप्त्य॑स्, ‘daughters of चण्ड’, a class of female demons, [AV. ii, 14, 1] ), [AgP. xlii, 20]
सूर्य   शिव or भैरव, [MBh. xii, 10358] ; [Śaṃkar. xxiii] (= ), [SkandaP.] ; [MBh. iii, 14631]
   N. of a demon causing diseases, [Hariv. 9563]
   of a दैत्य, 12937
   of an attendant of यम or of शिव, [L.]
   of one of the 7 clouds enveloping the earth at the deluge, [MatsyaP.]
-चुक्रा   = , [L.]
चण्ड  n. n. heat, [L.]
   passion, wrath, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चण्ड [caṇḍa]   a.
   (a) Fierce, violent, impetuous. (b) Passionate, angry, wrathful; अथैकधेनोपराधचण्डात् गुरोः कृशानुप्रतिमाद् बिभेषि [R.2.49;] [M.3.2;] see चण्डी below.
   Hot, warm; as in चण्डांशु.
   Active, quick.
   Pungent, acrid.
   Mischievous evil.
   ण्डः An evil being or demon.
   The tamarind tree.
   ण्डम् Heat, warmth.
   Passion, wrath. adv. Violently, fiercely, angrily.-Comp.
-अंशुः, -करः, -दीधितिः, -भानुः   the sun; हेमन्त- शिशिरावाप्य चण्डांशोरिव मण्डलम् [Rāj. T.4.41.]
-नायिका   an epithet of Durgā.
-मुण्डा   a form of Durgā; (= चामुण्डा q. v.).
-मृगः   a wild animal.
-विक्रम a.  a. of impetuous valour, fierce in prowess.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चण्ड  mfn.  (-ण्डः-ण्डा-ण्डं)
   1. Fierce, violent, passionate.
   2. Hot, warm. 3. Pungent, acrid.
  m.  (-ण्डः)
   1. The tamarind tree.
   2. A messenger of YAMA,
   3. A Daitya, a demon.
  f.  (-ण्डा)
   1. A perfume, commonly Chor.
   2. A kind of grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.)
   3. The name of a river in the east of Bengal.
   4. A goddess, peculiar to the Jainas.
  f.  (-ण्डा-ण्डी) A name of the goddess DURGA, applied especial. ly to her incarnation for the purpose of destroying Mahisasura; this exploit forms the subject of a section of the Markandeya Puran, and is particularly celebrated in Bengal at the Durga Puja, or festival held in honour of the goddess, towards the close of the year, (Oct.-Nov.) (-ण्डी)
   1. A passionate woman.
   2. A mischievous or furious woman.
   3. A species of the Atijgati verse.
  n.  (-ण्डं)
   1. Heat, warmth.
   2. Passion, wrath.
   E. चडि to be wrathful, अच् affix, and टा or ङीप् affixes of the feminine gender. चडि कोपे अच् चण दाने चमु अदने वा ड तस्य नेत्त्वम् .
चडि अच् टा ङीप् चडि कोपे अच् चण दाने चमु अदने वा ड तस्य नेत्त्वम् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : हिंस्र, उष्म

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