चैत्य m. (
-त्यः) A sacred tree, a religious fig tree, &c. growing in a village or near it, and held in veneration by the villagers.
n. (
-त्यं) 1. A place of sacrifice or religious worship, an altar, a shed kept for sacrifices, &c.
2. A religious building peculiar to the Jainas, a Jaina temple.
3. A Jaina or Bauddha image, &c.
4. A monument a tomb-stone, a column, &c. erected in memory of some deceased [Page274-b+ 60] person, or on the site of a funeral pile.
5. A pile of stones form- ing a land-mark or boundary.
E. चि to collect, deriv. irr.; or
चित् to consider, affix
क्यप्; चित्य and
अण् aff.
चित्तस्य इदम् अण् . ROOTS:
चि चित् क्यप्; चित्य अण् चित्तस्य इदम् अण् .