RĀHU , s. (The ascending node, fabled as a demon, the son of Singhikā, with the tail of a dragon. His head was cut off by Vishnu, at the churning of the ocean; but being immortal, by having tasted the amrit, the head and tail retained their separate existence, and were transferred to the stellar sphere. The head, or Rāhu, became the cause of eclipses, by endeavouring at various times to swallow the sun and moon. The tail was called Ketu, or the descending node, see PLANET)
राहुः,सिंहिकासूनुःm., सैंहिकः, सैंहिकेयः, ग्रहः, ग्रहकल्लोलः, खेटः, विधुन्तुदः,सूर्य्यग्रहः. An eclipse is called राहुग्राहः, राहुग्रासः, राहुसंस्पर्शः.
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