जन्य [janya] a. a. [जन् कर्तरि यत्]
To be born or produced.
Born, produced.
(At the end of comp.) Born from, occasioned by.
Belonging to a race or family
Vulgar, common.
Relating to, or fit for men.
न्यः A father.
A friend, attendant or relative of a bridegroom;
[Māl.6.2.] A common man.
A report, rumour.
न्या Mother's friend,
The relation of a bride, a bride's maid; याहीति जन्यामवदत् कुमारी
[R.6.3.] Pleasure, happiness.
a market.
The world; जन्या तु मातृसख्यां च मदे हट्टे जनेऽपि च । लोके जन्तौ ...
[Nm.] न्यम् Birth, production, creation.
That which is born or created, a created thing, an effect (opp. जनक) जन्यानां जनकः कालः Bhāṣā.
[P.45;] जनकस्य स्वभावो हि जन्ये तिष्ठति निश्चितम् Śabdak.
The body; तुष्टाव जन्यं विसृजञ्जनार्दनम्
[Bhāg.1.9.31.] A portent occurring at birth.
A market, a fair.
War, battle; तत्र जन्यं रघोर्घोरं पर्वतीयैर्गणरभूत्
[R.4.77;] चारुणा रमते जन्ये कोऽभीतो रसिताशिनि
[Ki.15.23.] Censure, abuse.
A community, nation.
Report, rumour.