जामि m. mfn. related like brother and sister, (f. with [[RV. i, iii, ix] ] or without स्व॑सृ) a sister, (rarely m.) a brother, [RV.] (‘sisters’, = fingers; ‘7 sisters’ = 7 acts of devotion in सोम worship, ix, 66, 8; cf. सप्त॑-), [AV.] जां-धित related (in general), belonging or peculiar to, customary, usual, (m.) a relative, [RV.] (cf. s.v. जा) जामि f. f. a female relative of the head of a family, esp. the daughter-in-law, [Mn. iii, 57f.] ; [MBh. xiii, xv] ; [BhP. iv, 28, 16] a sister (?), [Yājñ. i, 157] a virtuous woman, [L.] °मी N. of a goddess, [TBr. i, 7, 2, 6] (cf. ) जामि n. n. the relation of brother and sister, consanguinity, [RV. iii, 54, 9; x, 10, 4] (in Gr. and in liturgy) uniformity, repetition, tautology, [TS.] ; [TBr.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [AitBr.] ; [Lāṭy.] ; [Nir.] °मि-वत् water, [Naigh. i, 12] (v.l. ) अ ef. -, वि॑-, सप्त॑-, समावज्-, सु-, सो॑म- देव-जामि ; जामि [cf. Lat. ge minus.]