Dictionaries | References त्र त्रिक { trika } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 त्रिक महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | न. १ तिहींचा समुदाय ; त्रय ; त्रिकूट ; त्रिवर्ग . २ ( अंकगणित ) एकापेक्षा अधिक अशा कोणत्याहि संख्येला तीन या आकड्याने गुणतांना योजावयाची संज्ञा . जसे :- तीन त्रिक नऊ , पांच त्रिक पंधरा . ३ पाठीच्या कण्याचा खालचा भाग ; माकडहाड . ४ जेथे तीन रस्ते , तीन नद्या , तीन पदार्थ , जिन्नस एकत्र मिळतात , होतात असे स्थान . [ सं . त्रि ] न. ( कर . ) ( विणकाम ) रहाटाच्या तीन फेर्या होतील इतके सूत . एक त्रिकभर दोरा मला दे . [ त्रि ] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 त्रिक A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | त्रिक mfn. mfn. triple, threefold, forming a triad, [RV. x, 59, 9.] ; [Lāṭy.] (स्तोम; cf.एक-), [Śulbas. i] ; [Suśr.] &c. happening the 3rd time, [Pāṇ. 5-2, 77] शत (with or without ) 3 per cent, [Mn. viii, 152] ; [Kull.] त्रिक n. m. (n., [L.] ) a place where 3 roads meet, [Hariv.] ; [Jain.] त्रि-कट = , [Npr.] ROOTS:त्रि कट Trapa bispinosa, ib.त्रिक n. n. a triad (cf.कटु-, तौर्य-, त्रि-, पञ्च-), [Mn. ii, vii] ; [Pat.] and, [Kāś.] ; [VarBṛS.] the loins, regio sacra, hips, [Hariv.] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Suśr.] (also ‘the part between the shoulder-blades’) &c. the triple व्याहृति, [W.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 त्रिक The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | त्रिक [trika] a. a. [त्रयाणां संघः कन्] Triple, three-fold. Forming a triad; अव द्वके अव त्रिका दिवश्चरन्ति भेषजा [Rv. 1.59.9.] Three per cent; cf. [Ms.8.152] [Kull.] Happening the third time. कम् A triad; भक्तिः परेशानुभवो विरक्तिरन्यत्र चैष त्रिक एककालः [Bhāg.11.2.42.] A place where three roads meet. The lower part of the spine, the part about the hips; पृष्ठवंशाधरे त्रिकम् Ak. (Mar. माकडहाड); त्रिके स्थूलता [Pt.1.19;] कश्चिद्विवृत्तत्रिकभिन्नहारः [R.6.16;] छिन्नत्रिकास्तथा केचित्...... [Śiva. B.13.126.] The part between the shoulderblades. The three spices. का A contrivance for raising water (like a wheel) over which passes the rope of the bucket. The cover of a well. -Comp.-त्रयम् the 3 triads (त्रिफला, त्रिकटु and त्रिमद).-स्थानम् the loins. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 त्रिक Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | त्रिक n. (-कं) 1. The lower part of the spine. 2. The aggregate of three, a trine, a triad. 3. The three mystical words to be pro- nounced in daily prayer. 4. A place where three roads meet. 5. Three spices, three myrobalans, &c. collectively: see त्रिकटु, त्रिफल and the like. m. (-कः) A plant: see गोक्षुरक. f. (-का) 1. A triangular frame or bar across the mouth of a well over which passes the rope of the bucket, or to which one end of it is tied to guard against its slipping. 2. A wooden frame at the mouth of a well, [Page323-b+ 60] or the upper part of the well. 3. A frame at the bottom of a well, on which the masonry rests. 4. The cover or lid of a well. E. त्रि three, and कन् aff. ROOTS:त्रि कन् Related Words त्रिक trilling sacral sacral canal sacral foramen vertebrosacral sacral artery sacral cornua sacral division sacral promontory sacro-anterior sacro=coccygeal sacrocotyloid sacrogenital sacroiliac sacro-posterior sacro-promontory sacro-sciatic sacro-uterine sacrovertebral right handed triad iliosacral traid triple cell triple collision triple mirror circular triad coccygeosacralis triplet sacral vertebra sacral bone sacral promontory axis sacral rib sacrogenital fold sacro-iliac articulation sacrospinal sacrovertebral angle sacrum rna coding triplet synsacrum triple bond triplet code lumbosacral angle lumbosacral region lumbosacral trunk median sacral median sacral artery nonsense triplet portal triad triple point त्रिकास्थि triad ternary system lumbosacral craniosacral division तिरकी sense triplet त्रिकी त्रिके तिरके फलत्रिक triplet state चैत्रक त्रिसी tertiary doublet उद्वृत्तक उद्वृत्तकअंगहार ternary triple आच्छुरित संभ्रांतअहंकार त्रिक् monad अपअंगहार अपविध्द तिघे vertebra universe विवर्तं वलन ligament foramen नवरात्र नूपुर spine plexus single world व्यसन मयूर pars artery bond ganglion vein ति बे अर्ध त्रि Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP