दक्षिण [dakṣiṇa] a. a. [दक्ष्-इनन्
[Uṇ 2.5.] ]
Able, skilful, dexterous, competent, clever; इत्यम्बरीषं नाभागिमन्वमोदन्त दक्षिणाः
[Mb.12.29.12.] Right (opp. वाम).
Situated on the right side. दक्षिणं परि, दक्षिणं कृ to place any one on the right side as a mark of respect; ग्रहर्क्षताराः परियन्ति दक्षिणम्
[Bhāg.4.12.25.] South, southern; as in दक्षिणवायु, दक्षिणदिक्; आददे नातिशीतोष्णो नभस्वानिव दक्षिणः
[R. 4.8.] Situated to the south.
Sincere, straightforward, honest, impartial.
Pleasing, amiable.
Courteous, civil.
Compliant, submissive.
Favourable; 'दक्षिणः सरलावामपरच्छन्दानुवर्तिषु' इति विश्वः;
[Ki.18.27.] णः The right hand or arm.
A civil or courteous person, applied in poetic compositions to a lover who professes attachment to one mistress, while his heart has been entirely taken up by another.
An epithet of Śiva or Viṣṇu.
The right-hand horse of a carriage; इन्द्रस्येव दक्षिणः श्रियैधि
[Vāj.9.8.] The southern sacred fire.
णः, णम् The right side.
The south;
[Nala.9.23.] The Deccan.
-णम् The highest doctrine of the Śāktas-Comp.
-अग्निः the southern fire, the sacred fire placed southwards; also called अन्वाहार्यपचन q. v.
-अग्र a. a. pointing to the south.
-अचलः the southern mountain.i. e. Malaya.
-अत्ययः a dweller in the south. -अपरa. south-western.
-अभिमुख a. a. facing the south, directed towards the south;
[Ms.4.5.] -अयनम् the sun's progress south of the equator, the half year in which the sun moves from the north to the south, the winter solstice; सर्वेऽश्वमेधैरीजानास्तेऽ न्वयुर्दक्षिणायनम्
[Mb. 12.29.13.] रात्रिः स्याद्दक्षिणायनम्
[Ms.1.67;] [Bhāg.5.21.3.] -अरण्यम् Dandakāraṇya.
अर्धः the right hand.
the right or southern side.
-आचार a.
honest, well-behaved.
a worshipper of Śakti according to the right hand (or purer) ritual.
-आम्नायः the southern sacred text (of the Tāntrikas).
-आवर्त a. a. turning to the right (from the left), (a conch-shell).
-आशा the south. ˚पतिः
an epithet of Yama.
the planet Mars.-इतर a.
left (as hand or foot); तमिमं कुरु दक्षिणेतरं चरणं निर्मितरागमेहि मे
[Ku.4.19.] northern. (-रा) the north.-ईर्मन् a. (a deer) wounded on the right side मृगयुमिव मृगोऽथ दक्षिणेर्मा.
-उत्तर a. a. turned or lying to the south and the north. ˚वृत्तम् the meridian line.
-कालिका f. f.
A Tāntrika Deity.
-पश्चात् ind. to the southwest.
-पश्चिम a. a. south-western. (-मा) the south-west; जग्मुर्भरतशार्दूल दिशं दक्षिणपश्चिमाम्
[Mb.17.1.44.] -पूर्व, -प्राच् a. a. south-east.
-पूर्वा, -प्राची the south-eastern quarter.
-भागः the southern hemisphere.
-समुद्रः, -सागरः the southern ocean.
-स्थः a charioteer.