दण्डः [daṇḍḥ] ण्डम् [ṇḍam] ण्डम् [दण्ड्-अच्]
A stick, staff, rod, mace, club, cudgel; पततु शिरस्यकाण्डयमदण्ड इवैष भूजः
[Māl.5.31;] काष्ठदण्डः.
The sceptre of a king, the rod as a symbol of authority and punishment; आत्तदण्डः
[Ś.5.8.] The staff given to a twice-born man at the time of investiture with the sacred thread; cf
[Ms.2.45-48.] The staff of a संन्यासिन् or ascetic.
The trunk of an elephant.
The stem or stalk as of a lotus, tree &c.;
[U.1.31;] [Māl.9.14;] the handle as of an umbrella; ब्रह्माण्डच्छत्रदण्डः &c. Dk.1 (opening verse); राज्यं स्वहस्तधृतदण्डमिवातपत्रम्
[Ś.5.6;] [Ku.7.89;] so कमल- दण्ड &c.
The oar of a boat.
An arm or leg (at the end of comp.)
The staff or pole of a banner, a tent &c.
The beam of a plough.
The cross-bar of a lute or a stringed instrument.
The stick with which an instrument is played.
A churning-stick.
[Ms.8.341;9.229;] [Y.2.237.] Chastisement, corporal punishment, punishment in general; यथापराधदण्डानाम्
[R.1.6;] एवं राजापथ्यकारिषु ती- क्ष्णदण्डो राजा
[Mu.1;] दण्डं दण्ड्येषु पातयेत्
[Ms.8.126;] कृतदण्ड स्वयं राज्ञा लेभे शूद्रः सतां गतिम्
[R.15.23.] यथार्हदण्डो (राजा) पूज्यः
[Kau.A.1.4] ; सुविज्ञातप्रणीतो हि दण्डः प्रजां धर्मार्थकामै- र्योजयति
[Kau.A.1.4] Imprisonment.
Attack, assault, violence, punishment, the last of the four expedients; see उपाय; सामादीनामुपायानां चतुर्णामपि पण्डिताः । साम- दण्डौ प्रशंसन्ति नित्यं राष्ट्राभिवृद्धये ॥
[Ms.7.19;] cf.
[Śi.2.54.] An army; तस्य दण्डवतो दण्डः स्वदेहान्न व्यशिष्यत
[R.17.] 62;
[Ms.7.65;9.294;] [Ki.2.15.] A form of military array;
[Mb.12.59.4.] Subjection, control, restraint; वाग्दण्डोऽथ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्यैते निहिता बुद्धौ त्रिदण्डीति स उच्यते ॥
[Ms.12.1.] A measure of length equal to 4 Hastas;
[Bṛi. S.24.9.] The penis.
Pride; या चापि न्यस्तदण्डानां तां गतिं व्रज पुत्रक
[Mb. 7.78.25.] The body.
An epithet of Yama.
N. N. of Viṣṇu.
N. N. of Śiva.
An attendant on the sun.
A horse (said to be m. only in this and the preceding four senses).
A particular appearance in the sky (similar to a stick).
An uninterrupted row or series, a line.
Standing upright or erect.
A corner, an angle.
The Science of Govt. विनयमूलो दण्डः, दण्डमूलास्तिस्त्रो विद्याः
[Kau.A.1.5.] Harm, injury; न्यासो दण्डस्य भूतेषु मनोवाक्कायजस्य यः
[Bhāg.7.] 15.8.
Comp. अजिनम् staff and hide (as outer badges of devotion).
(fig.) hypocrisy, deceit.
-अधिपः a chief magistrate.
-अनीकम् a detachment or division of an army; तव हृतवतो दण्डानीकैर्विदर्भपतेः श्रियम्
[M.5.2.] -अप (व) तानकः tetanus, lock-jaw.
-अपूपन्यायः see under न्याय.-अर्ह a. fit to be chastised, deserving punishment.-अलसिका cholera.
-आख्यम् a house with two wings, one facing the north and the other the east;
[Bṛi. S.53.] 39.
-आघातः a blow with a stick; पूर्वप्रविष्ठान्क्रोधात्तान्दण्डा- घातैरताडयन्
[Ks.54.23.] -आज्ञा judicial sentence.
-आश्रमः the condition of a pilgrim.
-आश्रमिन् m. m. a devotee, an ascetic.
-आसनम्, दण्डकासनम् lying prostrate on the ground, a kind of Āsana;
[Yoga S.2.46.] -आहतम् buttermilk.
पातः falling of a stick.
infliction of punishment.
dropping one line in a manuscript.
-पातनम् infliction of punishment, chastisement.
पारुष्यम् assault, violence.
hard or cruel infliction of punishment; अत ऊर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि दण्डपारुष्यनिर्णयम्
[Ms.8.278.] पालः, पालकः a head magistrate.
a door-keeper, porter.
[Kau.A.1.12.] Ns. of two kinds of fishes; L. D. B.
पाशकः, पाशिकः a head police-officer;
[Pt.2;] उच्यता- मस्मद्वचनात्कालपाशिको दण्डपाशिकश्च
[Mu.1.2-21.] a hangman, an executioner.
-पोणम् a strainer furnished with a handle.
प्रणामः bowing by prostrating the body at full length (keeping it erect like a stick). cf. साष्टाङ्गनमस्कार.
falling flat or prostrate on the ground.-बालधिः an elephant.
-भङ्गः non-execution of a sentence.-भृत् m.
a potter.
an epithet of Yama.
माण (न)वः a staff-bearer
an ascetic bearing a staff;
[Rām.2.32.18.] a chief or leader.
-माथः a principal road, highway.
-मुखः a leader, general of an army.
यात्रा a solemn procession (particularly bridal).
warlike expedition, conquest (of a region).
यामः an epithet of Yama.
of Agastya.
a day.-लेशम् a small fine;
[Ms.8.51.] -वधः capital punishment.
-वाचिक a. a. actual or verbal (assault);
[Ms.8.6;] cf. वाक्-पारुष्यम्.
-वादिन् a. a. reprimanding, censuring, threatening with punishment; (also -m.).-वारित a. forbidden by threat of punishment.
-वासिकः a door-keeper, warder.
-वासिन् m. m.
a door-keeper.
a magistrate.
-वाहिन् m. m. a police-officer.
-विकल्पः discretion given to an officer in awarding punishment or fine;
[Ms.9.228.] उद्यमः threatening.
(pl.) application of power; निःसाराल्पफलानि ये त्वविधिना वाञ्छन्ति दण्डोद्यमैः
[Pt.1.376.] -कर्मन् n. n. infliction of punishment, chastisement; देशकालवयःशक्ति संचिन्त्यं दण्डकर्मणि
[Y.2.275.] -कलितम् repetition like a measuring rod, i. e. doing a matter after it is done in full first and then repeating it like that a second time and so on; आवृत्तिन्यायानां दण्ड- कलितं न्याय्यम् । ŚB. on
[MS.1.5.83;] ˚वत् ind. in the manner of a measuring rod.
-कल्पः Infliction of punishment; शुद्धचित्रश्च दण्डकल्पः
[Kau.A.4.] -काकः a raven.
-काण्ठम् a wooden club or staff; दण्डकाष्ठमवलम्ब्य स्थितः Ś2.
-ग्रहणम् assumption of the staff of an ascetic or pilgrim, becoming a mendicant.
-घ्न a. a. striking with a stick, committing an assault;
[Ms.8.386.] -चक्रः a division of an army.
-छदनम् a room in which utensils of various kinds are kept.
-ढक्का a kind of drum.
-दासः one who has become a slave from non-payment of a debt;
[Ms.8.415.] -देवकुलम् a court of justice.
-धर, -धार a.
विधिः rule of punishment; see दण्डोद्यमः
criminal law.
-विष्कम्भः the post to which the string of a churning-stick is fastened.
-व्यूहः a particular form of arranging troops, arranging them in long lines or columns;
[Ms.7.187.] -शास्त्रम् the science of inflicting punishment,
हस्तः a door-keeper, warder, porter.
carrying a staff, staffbearer.
punishing, chastising; दत्ताभये त्वयि यमादपि दण्डधारे
[U.2.11.] exercising judicial authority.
(रः) a king; श्रमनुदं मनुदण्डधरान्वयम्
[R.9.3;] बलीयानबलं ग्रसते दण्डधराभावे
[Kau.A.1.4.] N. N. of Yama; यमो निहन्ता... ...दण्डधरश्च कालः
a judge, supreme magistrate.
a mendicant carrying a staff.
a general (of an army;)
[Dk.2.] धारणम् carrying a staff (as by a Brahmachārin).
following the order of a mendicant.
नायकः a judge, a head police-officer, a magistrate.
the leader of an army, a general.
a king. ˚पुरुषः a policeman, constable.
-निधानम् pardoning, indulgence;
[Mb.12.] -निपातनम् punishing, chastising.
-नीतिः f. f.
administration of justice, judicature.
the system of civil and military administration, the science of politics, polity;
[Ms.7.43;] [Y.1.311;] फलान्युपायुङ्क्त स दण्ड- नीतेः
[R.18.46;] जरातुरः संप्रति दण्डनीत्या सर्वं नृपस्यानुकरोमि वृत्तम्
[Nāg.4.1.] an epithet of Durgā.
a king.
Yama; गृध्रा रुषा मम कृषन्त्यधिदण्डनेतुः
[Bhāg.3.16.] 1.
a judge;
[Ms.12.1;] [Bhāg.4.22.45.] -पांशुलः a porter, door-keeper.
पाणिः an epithet of Yama; करोमि चिकित्सां दण्डपाणिरिव जनतायाः
[Bhāg.5.1.7.] N. N. of the god Śiva at Benares.
a policeman; इति पश्चात्प्रविष्टास्ते पुरुषा दण्डपाणयः