धिषणा f. f. a sort of सोम-vessel, a cup, goblet, bowl fig. the S° juice itself and its effects, [RV.] (du. the two bowls or worlds i.e. heaven and earth; pl. h° , e° and the intermediate atmosphere, ib.) अगाध knowledge, intelligence (generally ifc. ), [VarBṛS. civ, 29] ; [BhP.] (cf. - [add.], बोध-, विशुद्ध-) speech, praise, hymn, [L.] dwelling-place, abode, seat, [BhP.] N. of a deity presiding over wealth and gain (also in pl. ), [RV.] ; [MBh.] of the wife of हविर्-दान and daughter of अग्नि, [Hariv.] ; [VP.] of the w° of कृशाश्व and mother of वेद-शिर, देवल, वयुन and मनु, [BhP.]