निधि m. (
1. One of KUVERA'S Nidhis or divine treasures, nine of which are enumerated: viz. The Padma, Mahāpadma, Sankha, Makara, Kachchapa, Mukunda, Kunda, Nila, and Kharba: their nature is not exactly defined, though some of them appears to be precious gems; according to the Tāntrika system, they are per- sonified and worshipped as demi-gods, attendant either upon KUVERA or upon LAKSHMĪ, the goddess of prosperity.
2. A recep- tacle, a place of asylum or accumulation, as a treasury, a granary, a nest, &c.; also figuratively, as
गुणनिधिः a man who contains or is endowed with all good qualities.
3. A treasure, any sum or quan- tity of wealth or valuables.
4. A medicinal plant and perfume, commonly Jivaka.
5. The ocean.
6. An epithet of Vishṇu
E. नि in,
धा to have, affix.
आधारे कि .