पक्ष n. m. (ifc. f(आ or ई). ) a wing, pinion (in one passage n.), [RV.] &c. &c. a symbol. N. of the number two, [Var.] ; [Hcat.] गार्ध्र-प्° a feather, the feathers on both sides of an arrow (cf. ) निस्-त्वक्-प्° the fin of a fish (cf. ) the shoulder the flank or side or the half of anything, [RV.] &c. &c. the side or wing of a building, [AV.] the wing or flank of an army, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] पूर्व the half of a lunar month (the first half from new moon to full moon was called or आपूर्यमाण, later शुक्ल or शुद्ध; the other half अपर or अप-क्षीयमाण, later कृष्ण or तामिस्र; each fortnight consists of 15 तिथिs or lunar days called प्रथमा, द्वितीया &c.), [Br.] ; [GṛŚrS.] ; [MBh.] ; [Var.] &c. a side, party, faction multitude, number, troop, set, class of beings शत्रु partisan, adherent, follower, friend (- ‘the enemy's side’ or ‘a partisan of the enemy’; महा-, ‘one who has many adherents’), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. °क्षे side i.e. position, place, stead (ifc. instead of or by way of), ib. केश quantity (See -) °क्षे one of two cases or one side of an argument, an alternative (, ‘on the other hand’, with अत्र, ‘in this case’, पक्षा-न्तरे, ‘in the other case’), [Pāṇ.] Sch. पूर्व a point or matter under discussion, a thesis, a particular theory, a position advanced or an argument to be maintained (cf. -, उत्तर-) an action or lawsuit, [Yājñ.] Sch. (in logic) the proposition to be proved in a syllogism, [Tarkas.] ; [Bhāṣāp.] मुख्यः पक्षः any supposition or view, motion, idea, opinion (, ‘an excellent idea’ [Śak.] Sch. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. the sun, [Sāy.] on [RV. iii, 53, 16] N. of sev. men, [VP.] (in alg. ) a primary division or the side of an equation in a primary division the wall of a house or any wall, [L.] an army, [L.] favour, [L.] contradiction, rejoinder, [L.] the ash-pit of a fire-place, [L.] a royal elephant, [L.] a limb or member of the body, [L.] the feathers of the tail of a peacock, a tail, [L.] proximity, neighbourhood, [L.] a bracelet, [L.] purity, perfection, [L.] पक्ष mfn. mfn. = पाचक, बाधक, [Sāy.] on [RV. vi, 47, 19.] पक्ष [cf. OGerm. fahs; Angl.Sax. feax.]