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   { puṭḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  बहुत हल्का मेल या रंगत   Ex. उसकी कविता में छायावाद का पुट है ।
बोध (Perception)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
आभास झलक झलकी भान प्रतीति अभास आभा
kasجلٕک , شکٕل , رنٛگ , صوٗرَتھ
urdجھلک , عکس , اشارہ , حس


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Anything folded or doubled so as to form a cup or concavity;--as the hands, leaves &c., a valve of a shell &c. Also in comp. as अंजलिपुट, चंचुपुट, पर्णपुट, कर्णपुट. 2 A hemisphere. 3 A single application unto;--as, in preparing medicaments, of fire to bake, of sun, air &c. to dry: also a single dipping into an infusion, a single coating, plastering, smearing, overlay. Gen. in comp. as अग्निपुट, सूर्यपुट, औषधपुट, रसपुट. v दे. It signifies also the material so used,--the infusion, the plaster &c. 4 In comp. with नासिका or नासा or घ्राण, as नासिकापुट &c. A nostril. 5 A crucible. Ex. जैसें पुटीं पडतां सुवर्ण ॥ तेजस्वी दिसे दैदीप्यमान ॥.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Anything folded so as to form a cup-as the hands, leaves.
अंजलिपुट, चंचुपुट.   A hemisphere. A single application. A nostril. A crucible.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुट  f. mn. a fold, pocket, hollow space, slit, concavity (ifc.f.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. (also f(). , [Śāntiśs] .)
  f. a cloth worn to cover the privities (also f(). ), [W.]
   a horse's hoof, [L.]
-भेद   an eyelid (cf.)
पुट  m. m. a cup or basket or vessel made of leaves, [ŚBr.] (cf.ऊष-), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
सम्पुट   a casket (= ), [L.]
पुट-पाक   the enveloping or wrapping of any substance (esp. for baking or heating it; cf.), [Bhpr.]
पुट पाक
   any cake or pastry filled with seasoning or stuffing of any kind, ib.
श्की-पुट   N. of a metre (= ), [L.]
श्की पुट
अश्वादि   of a man g.
पुट  n. n. a nutmeg, [L.]
   two vessels joined together (for the sublimation of medicinal substances), [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुटः [puṭḥ] टम् [ṭam]   टम् [पुट्-क]
   A fold.
   A hollow space, cavity, concavity; भिन्नपल्लवपुटो वनानिलः [R.9.68;11.23;] 17.12; [M.3.9;] अञ्जलिपुट, नासापुट, कर्णपुट &c.
   A cup made of a leaf folded or doubled; a vessel of leaves; दुग्ध्वा पयः पत्रपुटे मदीयम् [R.2.65;] [Ms.6.28.]
   Any shallow receptacle.
   The pod or capsule which envelops young shoots.
   A sheath, cover, covering
   An eye-lid (पुटी also in all these senses).
   A horse's hoof.
   A cloth worn to cover the privities.
   टः A casket.
   The contracting of anything.
   A folding of anything so as to form a cup.
   टम् A nutmeg.
   Two vessels joined together for medical purposes.-Comp.
-अञ्जलिः   the two hollowed hands put together; श्रीकृष्णपुरतः स्थित्वा तुष्टाव तं पुटाञ्जलिः [Brav. P.3.9,23.] -उटजम् a white umbrella.
-उदकः   a cocoa-nut.
   ग्रीवः a pot, jar, pitcher.
   a copper-vessel.
-धेनुः   a not yet full-grown cow with a calf.
   पाकः a particular method of preparing drugs, in which the various ingredients are wrapped up in leaves, and being covered with clay are roasted in the fire; अनिर्भिन्नो गभीरत्वादन्त- र्गूढघनव्यथः । पुटपाकप्रतीकाशो रामस्य करुणो रसः [U.3.1.]
   भेदः a town, city.
   a kind of musical instrument (आतोद्य).
   'parting of the eyelids', opening; पुटभेदो ललाटस्थनीललोहितचक्षुषः [U.6.3.]
   a whirl-pool or eddy.
-भेदनम्   a town, city; स हस्तिनपुरे रम्ये कुरूणां पुटभेदने (वसन्) [Mb.1.1.12;] पुट- भेदनं दनुसुतारिरैक्षत [Śi.13.26.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुट   r. 1st cl. (पोटति) To rub, to press, to grind or pound.
   r. 6th cl. (पुटति) To embrace, to intertwine.
   r. 10th cl. (पोटयति-ते)
   1. To be or become small, or shallow.
   2. To shine.
   3. To speak.
   4. To reduce to powder, to grind.
   r. 10th cl. (पुटयति-ते)
   1. To fasten, to string, to bind together.
   2. To be in contact with. दीप्तौ अक० चूर्णने सक० चुरा० उभ० सेट् . श्लेषे तु० कु० पर० सक० सेट् . संसर्गे अद० चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् .
पुट  mfn.  (-टः-टी-टं)
   1. A cover, a covering.
   2. A plate or vessel, made of leaves.
   3. A cloth worn to cover the privites.
   4. An eyelid.
   5. A cup or concavity, made of a leaf folded or doubled.
   6. A con- cavity, a shallow cup or receptacle, as the hollow of the hand. m. (-टः)
   1. A horse's hoof.
   2. A narrowing or contracting of any thing.
   3. A folding or doubling of any thing, so as to form a cup or concavity.
   4. A casket.
  n.  (-टं)
   1. Two vessels joined together, the upper one inverted for the sublimation or digestion of medicaments.
   2. A nutmeg.
   E. पुट् to rub or bind, aff. .

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