पोगण्ड mfn. (
-ण्डः-ण्डा-ण्डं) Deformed, having a redundant or defective member.
m. (
-ण्डः) A boy one from his fifth to his sixteenth year,
E. अपि certainly,
गडि to be a part of the cheek.,
अच् affs the
अ of the prefix is rejected, and the
इ changed to
ओ; otherwise,
अप depreciative prefix,
गम् to go, and the deriv. irr.; also
अपोगण्ड; in the second sense it also occurs
पौगण्ड . ROOTS:
अपि गडि अच् अ इ ओ; अप गम् अपोगण्ड; पौगण्ड .