प्रव(ब)ण mfn. (
प्रव(ब)ण 1. Declivity, declining, steep.
प्रव(ब)ण 2. Bent, bowed. 3. Attached or adhering to, filled with, possessed of, endowed with. 4. Inclined to, disposed to, tending to.
प्रव(ब)ण 5. Addicted to, devoted to 6. Favourably disposed towords.
प्रव(ब)ण 7. Curved, crooked.
प्रव(ब)ण 8. Swift.
प्रव(ब)ण 9. Generous.
प्रव(ब)ण 10. Humble, modest.
प्रव(ब)ण 11. Wasted, decayed.
प्रव(ब)ण m. (
-णः) A place where four roads meet.
प्रव(ब)ण E. प्र before,
वन् to sound, &c. aff.
अच् .