प्र-स्तार f. m. (
ifc. f(आ). ) strewing, spreading out, extension (also
fig. = abundance, high degree),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] a litter, bed of straw,
[Hariv.] a layer,
[Śulbas.] a flight of steps (leading down to water),
[MBh.] °स्तर a flat surface, plain,
[Hariv.] (
v.l. )
a jungle or wood overgrown with grass,
[L.] a process in preparing minerals,
[Cat.] a representation or enumeration of all the possible combinations of certain given numbers or of short and long syllables in a metre,
[Col.] (in music) a kind of measure,
[Saṃgīt.] प्रस्ताव N. of a prince (son of
[VP.] (
prob. w.r. for )