प्र-स्थित mfn. mfn. set forth, prepared, ready (as sacrifice),
[RV.] ;
[Br.] ;
[ŚrS.] rising, upright,
[RV.] standing forth, prominent,
[AV.] appointed, installed,
[R.] प्रति set out, departed, gone to (
acc. with or without
dat. or
loc. ) or for the purpose of (
dat. ),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
-वत् mfn. (
mfn. =
प्र-तस्थे, ‘he has set out’
[Kathās.] )
प्रति-ष्ठित (
ifc. ) reaching to,
[Śak. vii, 4/3] (
v.l. )
प्र-स्थित n. n. setting out, going away, departure,
[Bhartṛ.] N. of
partic. सोम vessels (See next)