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   { prātar }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रातर्  n. ind. (fr.1.प्र; प्रा॑तर्, [Uṇ. v, 59] ) in the early morning, at daybreak, at dawn, [RV.] &c. &c. (प्रातः प्रातः, every morning, [Daś.] )
   next morning, to-morrow, [AV.] &c. &c.
   Morning personified as a son of पुष्पार्ण and प्रभा, [BhP.]
प्रातर्   [cf.Gk.πρωΐ; Germ.fruo, fröh.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रातर् [prātar]   ind.
   At day-break, at dawn, early in the morning.
   Early on the morrow, the next or tomorrow morning. -Comp.
-अनुवाकः   the hymn with which the प्रातःसवन begins; one of the Vedic Anuvākas in the Soma-yāga; प्रातरनुवाकं जाग्रदुपासीत Kāty. ŚS.; पुरा प्रातरनुवाकस्योपाकरणाज्जघनेन गार्हपत्यस्योदङ्मुख उपविश्य स वासवं सामाभिर्गायति [Ch. Up.2.24.3.]
-अह्नः   the early part of the day, forenoon.
-आशः, -भोजनम्   morning meal, breakfast; अन्यथा प्रातराशाय कुर्याम त्वामलं वयम् [Bk. 8.98;] मृगान् पञ्चशतं चैव प्रातराशं ददामि ते [Mb.3.267.13.] -आशिन् m. one who has breakfasted or taken his morning meal.
-कर्मन्  n. n.,
-कार्यम्, -कृत्यम् (प्रातःकर्म   &c.) a morning ceremony; a morning duty or rite (worship, prayer &c.).
-कालः (प्रातःकालः)   morning time.
-गेयः   a bard whose duty it is to wake the king or any great personage in the morning with appropriate songs.
-चन्द्रः (प्रातश्चन्द्रः)   the moon in the morning. ˚द्युति a. pale.
-त्रिवर्गा (प्रातस्त्रिवर्गा)   the river Ganges.
-दिनम्   forenoon.
-दोहः   morning milk.
-प्रहरः (प्रातःप्रहरः)   the first watch of the day.
-भोक्तृ  m. m. a crow.
-भोजनम्   morning meal, breakfast.
   संध्या (प्रातःसंध्या) the morning twilight.
   the morning devotions or Sandhyā adoration of a Brāhmaṇa.-समयः (प्रातःसमयः) morning-time, day-break.
-सवः, -सवनम् (प्रातःसवः   &c.) the morning libation ofSoma.
-स्नानम् (प्रातःस्नानम्)   morning ablution.
-होम   morning sacrifice.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रातर्   Ind. Morning, dawn.
   E. प्र initial, अत् to go, अरु aff.
प्र अत् अरु

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