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   { phulla }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
फुल्ल  mfn. amf()n. ([Pāṇ. 7-4, 89; 8-2, 55] ) split or cleft open, expanded, blown (as a flower), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   abounding in flowers, flowery, ib.
   opened wide, dilated (as eyes), [Pañcat.]
   puffed inflated (as cheeks), [Bālar.]
   loose (as a garment), [Mṛcch.]
   beaming, smiling (as a face), [Kāvyâd.]
फुल्ल  m. m.N. of a saint, [Cat.]
फुल्ल  n. (prob.) n. a full-blown flower, [KālP.]
फुल्ल   bNom.P.फुल्लति (cf.[Dhātup. xv, 24] ) to open, expand, blow (as a flower), [MBh.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
फुल्ल [phulla] p.p. p.  p. p. (of. फुल्ल्)
   Expanded, opened, blown, पुष्पं च पुल्लं नवमल्लिकायाः प्रयाति कान्ति प्रमदाजनानाम् [Ṛs.6.6;] फुल्लारविन्दवदनाम् [Ch. P.1.]
   Flowering, blossomed; फुल्लासनाग्रविटपानिव वायुरुग्णान् [R.9.63.]
   Expanded, dilated, wide opened (as eyes).
   Smiling, gay.
   Puffed, inflated (as cheeks).
   Loose (as a garment).
-ल्लम्   A full-blown flower. -Comp.
-तुवरी   alum.-दामन् n. a kind of metre.
-नयन, -नेत्र, -लोचन a.  a. having eyes dilated (with joy); वीक्षन्तेऽन्यमितः स्फुटत्- कुमुदिनीफुल्लोल्लसल्लोचनाः [Pt.1.136.] (-नः) a kind of deer. (-नम्) a large, full eye.
-फालः   the wind raised in winnowing corn.
-वदन a.  a. looking pleased or happy.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
फुल्ल   r. 1st cl. (फुल्लति) To blow or blossom, to bud or flower.
फुल्ल  mfn.  (-ल्लः-ल्ला-ल्लं)
   1. Blown, opened, expanded, (as a flower.)
   2. Opened, (as the eyes with pleasure, &c.), smiling, gay.
   E. फुल्ल् to blow, aff. अच्; also फुल्त .
फुल्ल् अच्; फुल्त .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : विकस्

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