The head of a spear, pike, arrow, &c. bhala a Abridged from भला Good or fine, and used specifically, implying Fine, grand, superb, splendid, noble, capital; as भलघोडा, भलगाजीमर्द, भलभालेकरी, भलदांडगा, भलजेवण; also arch, arrant, adept, thoroughgoing; as भलसोदा, भललुच्चा, भललबाड; also great, large, vast, immense, extraordinary; as भलओझें, भलगोणी, भलकोस, भलमजल, भलहेल. Used also with nouns and adjectives enhancingly; as भलमजेचा, भलनामी, भलखासा.