A Sanskrit poet who flourished in the 6th century A.D. He is the author of the mahākāvya called Kirātārjunīya. Raghuvaṁśa, Kumārasambhava, Kirāt- ārjunīya, Śiśupālavadha and Naiṣadha are the five Mahākāvyas in Sanskrit with established reputation. In the Ehole records of A.D. 634 Bhāravi is held up in praise along with Kālidāsa. The theme of Kirātārjunīya is Śiva, in the guise of a hunter, attacking Arjuna immersed in penance. Bhāravi's literary style is simple and sweet. In the use of similes he is second only to Kālidāsa. Among his books only Kirātārjunīya has been found out yet.
Note: 1) Yenāyoji na veśma sthiram arthavidhau vivekinā jinaveśma/ Sa jayatāṁ ravikīrtiḥ kavitāśrita- Kālidāsa- Bhāravikīrtiḥ.//]