भाविन् mfn. mfn. becoming, being, existing, wont to be (often ifc. ), [RPrāt.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Ragh.] भू about to be, future, imminent, predestined, inevitable (often used as fut. tense of √ ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. अ-भ्° as one ought to be, good, able, capable (in ), [Hariv.] (ifc. ) being possessed of [MBh.] हरि-भ्° attached to (e.g. ), [Vop.] manifesting, showing, [Mallin.] लोक-भ्° furthering, blessing, [Hcat.] (cf. ) worshipping, ib. beautiful, illustrious, [MW.] भाविन् m. m.N. of every vowel except अ and आ (prob. as ‘liable to become the corresponding semivowel’), [VPrāt.] N. of the शूद्रs in प्लक्ष-द्वीप, [VP.]