यतस् [yatas] ind. [तद्-तसिल्] (often used merely for the abl. of the relative pronoun यद्)
From whence (referring to persons or things), from what, from which place or quarter; यतस्त्वया ज्ञानमशेषमाप्तम्
[R.5.4.] (यतः = यस्मात् from whom); यतश्च भयमाशङ्केत् प्राचीं तां कल्पयेद् दिशम्
[Ms.7.189.] For which reason, wherefore, in consequence of which.
As, since, for, because; उवाच चैनं परमार्थतो हरं न वेत्सि नूनं यत एवमात्थ माम्
[Ku.5.75;] [R.8.76;13.61;] oft. with ततः as correlative.
From which time forward, ever since.
That, so that, (यतस्ततः means
from which place soever, from any quarter whatever.
from any person whatever.
anywhere soever, on all sides, in any direction; न विद्यमानेष्वर्थेषु नार्त्यामपि यतस्ततः
[Ms.4.15.] यतो यतः
from whatever place.
from whomsoever, from any person whatever.
wherever, in whatever direction; यतो यतः षट्चरणोऽ- भिवर्तते
[Ś.1.23;] यतो यतो निश्चरति मनश्चञ्चलमस्थिरम्
[Bg.6.26.] यतःप्रमृति from which time forward.) -Comp.
-भव a. a. arising from which.
-मूल a. a. originating in, or sprung from which.