लष् (
cf. √ लस्) cl. 1. 4.Ā. P. ([Dhātup. xxi, 23] ; cf. [Pāṇ. 3-1, 70] ) लषति, °ते, लष्यति, °ते (pf. ललाष, लेषे; aor. अलाषीत्, अलषिष्ट; fut. लषिता; °षिष्यति, °ते; inf. लषितुम्), to wish, desire, long for (
acc. ),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c. (mostly with
prep. अभि);
to strive after, approach (
acc. ),
[VarBṛS.] Sch. :
Caus. , or
cl. 10.
P. लाषयति (
aor. अलीलषत्), to exercise an art,
[Dhātup. xxxiii, 55] (
v.l. for
लस्) :
Desid. लिलषिषतिGr. :
Intens. लालष्यते,
लष् r. 1st and 4th cls. (
लषति-ते or लष्यति-ते) To desire, to like, to love. (अभि is usually prefixed.)
लष् [laṣ] I. 1, 4 P. (लषति-ते, लष्यति-ते, लषित) To wish, desire, long for, be eager for; रामाच्युतौ बो लषतो बुभुक्षितौ [Bhāg.1.23.7;] (usually with the preposition अभि q. v.). -II. 1 U. (लाषयति-ते) = लश् q. v.
r. 10th cl. (
लाषयति-ते) To be skilful.
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