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   { vājin }
Script: Devanagari


वाजिन् n.  सावर्णि मनु के वाज नामक पुत्र का नामांतर।
वाजिन् II. n.  याज्ञवल्क्य के पंद्रह शिष्यों का सामूहिक नाम [वायु. ६१.२४-२६] ; वाजसनेयि २. देखिये ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वाजिन्  m. mfn. swift, spirited, impetuous, heroic, warlike, [RV.] &c. &c. (with रथm. a war-chariot; superl.वाजि॑न्-तम)
   strong, manly, procreative, potent, [RV.] ; [TS.] ; [Br.]
   winged, (ifc.) having any thing for wings, [BhP.]
   feathered (as an arrow), [Hariv.]
वाजिन्  m. m. a warrior, hero, man, [RV.] (often applied to gods, esp. to अग्नि, इन्द्र, the मरुत्s &c.)
   the steed of a war-chariot, ib.
   a horse, stallion, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
अश्व   N. of the number ‘seven’ [Gol.] (cf.)
   a bridle, [L.]
   a bird, [L.]
   an arrow, [L.]
   Adhatoda Vasika, [L.]
वाजिनां साम   pl. ‘the Coursers’, a class of divine beings (prob. the steeds of the gods, but accord. to [TBr.] अग्नि, वायु and सूर्य), [RV.] ; [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] (N. of a सामन्, [ĀrṣBr.] )
अ-यातयामानि   the school of वाजसनेय (so called because the Sun in the shape of a horse revealed to याज्ञवल्क्यpartic.यजुस् verses called q.v.), [VP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वाजिन् [vājin] a.  a. [वाज-अस्त्यर्थे इनि]
   Swift, quick.
   Winged; having anything for wings; मुष्णं- स्तेज उपानीतस्तार्क्ष्येण स्तोत्रवाजिना [Bhāg.4.7.19.] -m.
   A horse; न गर्दभा वाजिधुरं वहन्ति [Mk.4.17;] सत्यमतीत्य हरितो हरींश्च वर्तन्ते वाजिनः [Ś.1;] [R.3.43;4.25,67;] [Śi.18.31.]
   An arrow.
   A follower of the Vājasaneyin branch of the Yajurveda; एतावदित्याह च वाजिनां श्रुतिः [A. Rām.7.5.21.]
   The sun; ऊर्ध्वपवित्रो वाजिनीव स्वमृतमस्मि [T. Up.1.1.]
  N. N. of Indra, Bṛihaspati and other gods.
   A bird; शूलव्यालसमाकीर्णां प्राणिवाजिनि- षेविताम् [Mb.7.14.16.]
   The number 'seven'.
   नी A mare.
  N. N. of Uṣas (dawn).
   Food (Ved.).-Comp.
-गन्धः   Name of a tree, Physalis Flexuosa. (Mar. आसंध); Mātaṇga L.11.31.
-दन्तः, -दन्तकः   Adhatoda Vasika (Mar. अडूळसा).
-पृष्ठः   the globeamaranth.
-भक्षः   a chick-pea. (Mar. चणा, हरभरा).
-भूः, -भूमिः   a place abounding in horses.
-भोजनः   a kind of kidney-bean (Mar. मूग).
-मेघः   a horse-sacrifice.-योजकः a driver, groom.
-राजः  N. N. of Viṣṇu.
-विष्ठा   the Indian fig-tree (Mar. वड).
-शाला   a stable.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वाजिन्  m.  (-जी)
   1. A horse.
   2. An arrow.
   3. A bird.
   4. A plant (Justicia adhenatoda.)
  f.  (-जिनी) A mare.
   E. वाज speed or a feather, &c., and इनि poss. aff.
वाज इनि

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