विप् 1. (or वेप्) cl. 1. Ā. ([Dhātup. x, 6] ) वेपते (ep. also °ति; p. विपान॑, [RV.] ; pf. विवेपेGr. ; विविप्रे, [RV.] ; aor. अवेपिष्ट, [Br.] ; fut. वेपिता, वेपिष्यतेGr. ; inf. वेपितुम्, ib.), to tremble, shake, shiver, vibrate, quiver, be stirred, [RV.] &c. &c.; to start back through fear, [Pañcar.] ; [Kathās.] : Caus. विप॑यति or वेपयति (aor. अवीविपत्), to cause to tremble or move, shake, agitate, [RV.] ; &c. विप् [cf. Lat. vibrare; Goth. weipan; Germ. wîfen, weifen, WipfelEng. whiffle.] विप् mfn. 2.mfn. inwardly stirred or excited, inspired, [RV.] विप् f. f. ‘easily moved or bent, flexible (?)’, a switch, rod &c., the shaft (of an arrow), the rods (which form the bottom of the सोम filter, and support the straining cloth), [RV.] a finger, [Naigh. ii, 5.]