Dictionaries | References


   { viṣāṇḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   see : सींग


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   viṣāṇa m n S A horn. 2 A tusk or fang.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 n m  A horn; a tusk.


  न. शिंग . २ सुळा ; सुळका ; शूलदंत . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विषाण  m. 1.n. (for 2. see under वि-√ षो, fr. which 1. may perhaps also come; in older language also f(). and accord. to g.अर्धर्-चा-दि, also m.; ifc. or ) a horn, the horn of any animal, [AV.] &c. &c. (cf.खरी-, शश-व्°)
   a horn (wind-instrument), [BhP.]
   the tusk (of an elephant or of a boar or of गणेश), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.
   the claws (of a crab), [Pañcat.]
   a peak, top, point, summit, [ṢaḍvBr.] ; [VarBṛS.]
   the horn-like tuft on शिव's head, [MBh.]
   the tip of the breast, nipple, [BhP.]
-भूत   the chief or best of a class or kind (cf.; धी-व्° = ‘acuteness of intellect, sagacity’), [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.]
कृपाण   a sword or knife, ---11--- (v.l.)
वि-षाण  n. 2.n. (for 1. see p. 997, col. 3) discharging (a fluid), 44, 11.">[RV. v, 44, 11.]
वि षाण


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विषाणः [viṣāṇḥ] णम् [ṇam] णी [ṇī]   णम् णी [विष्-बा˚ कानच्]
   A horn; साहित्यसंगीतकलाविहीनः साक्षात् पशुः पृच्छविषाणहीनः [Bh.2.12;] कदाचिदपि पर्यटञ् शशविषाणमासादयेत् 2.5.
   The tusk of an elephant or boar; केचिद्भिन्ना विषाणाग्रैः [Mb.6.94.35;] तप्तानामुपदधिरे विषाणभिन्नाः प्रह्लादं सुरकरिणां घनाः क्षरन्तः [Ki.7.] 13; [Śi.1.6;] [Bhāg.1.43.15.]
   A horn (wind instrument).
   The claws (of a crab).
   A peak, top.
   The nipple, (tip of the breast).
   The chief or best of the kind.
   A sword or kinfe.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विषाण   Subst.
  mfn.  (-णः-णी-णं)
   1. The horn of an animal.
   2. The tusks of an elephant.
   3. The tusk or fang of the boar.
  f.  (-णी)
   1. A plant, the fruit of which is compared to the horn of a ram, &c. com- monly mesa Sringī.
   2. A medicinal root: see क्षीरकाकोली.
  n.  (-णं) [Page677-a+ 60] A sort of costus, (C. speciosus.)
   E. वि before अस् to be, चानश् aff.; the initial of the radical rejected, and changed to ष; otherwise, वि before षण् to serve, aff. घञ्; or विष वा-कानच् .
वि अस् चानश् ष; वि षण् घञ्; विष वा-कानच् .

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