श्लोक m. m. (
prob. connected with √
[R. i, 2, 33] gives a fanciful derivation
fr. शोक, ‘sorrow’, the first
श्लोक having been composed by
वाल्मीकि grieved at seeing a bird killed) sound, noise (as of the wheels of a carriage or the grinding of stones &c.),
[RV.] a call or voice (of the gods),
ib.fame renown, glory, praise, hymn of praise,
[AV.] ;
[TS.] ;
[Br.] ;
[BhP.] a proverb, maxim,
[MW.] a stanza, (
esp. ) a
partic. kind of common epic metre (also called
अनु-ष्टुभ्q.v. ; consisting of 4
पादs or quarter verses of 8 syllables each, or 2 lines of 16 syllables each, each line allowing great liberty except in the 5th, 13th, 14th and 15th syllables which should be unchangeable as in the following scheme, 8. 1. 8-8., the dots denoting either long or short; but the 6th and 7th syllables should be long; or if the 6th is short the 7th should be short also),
[ŚBr.] ;
[KauṣUp.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
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