षष्ठ [ṣaṣṭha] a. a. (-ष्ठी f.) Sixth, the sixth; षष्ठं तु क्षेत्रजस्यांशं प्रदद्यात् पैतृकाद्धनात्
[Ms.9.164;7.13;] षष्ठे भागे
[V.2.1;] [R.17.78;] षष्ठे काले मयाऽऽहारः प्राप्तोऽयमनुजस्तव
[Mb.3.18.16.] Comp. अंशः a sixth part in general.
particularly, the sixth part of the produce of fields &c., which the king takes from his subjects as land-tax; ऊधस्यमिच्छामि तवोप- भोक्तुं षष्ठांशमुर्व्या इव रक्षितायाः
[R.2.66;] (the different kinds of produce, to the sixth part of which a king is entitled, are specified in
[Ms.7.131-132] ). ˚वृत्तिः a king (entitled to the sixth part of the produce); षष्ठांशवृत्तेरपि धर्म एषः
[Ś.5.4.] -अन्नम् the sixth meal. ˚कालः taking food once in three days, as an expiatory act; षष्ठान्न- कालता मासं संहिताजप एव वा