सं-श्रय n. m. (
ifc. f(आ). ) conjunction, combination, connection, association (
ifc. ‘joined or connected with’), relationship or reference to (
ifc. ‘relating to’, ‘referring to’;
°यात्ind. ‘in consequence of’),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
कलि-स्° going or resorting or betaking one's self to any person or place (
loc. or
comp. ), going for refuge or protection, having recourse to (
cf. ),
[MBh.] ;
[Pañcat.] &c.
league, alliance, leaguing together for mutual protection (one of the 6
गुणs of a king),
[Mn. vii, 160] ;
[Yājñ.] &c.
a refuge, asylum, shelter, resting or dwelling-place, residence, home (
ifc. ‘residing with’, ‘living or dwelling or resting in or on’),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
°यात् n. devotion to, attachment to (
ifc. ‘devoted or attached to’;
ind. ‘by means or help of’),
[MBh.] ;
[R.] &c.
an aim, object,
[MW.] a piece or portion belonging to anything,
[MBh.] N. of a