सं-हनन mfn. mfn. compact, solid, firm, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] making compact or solid, [Suśr.] striking together, [MW.] killing, destroying, a destroyer, ib. सं-हनन m. m.N. of a son of मनस्यु, [MBh.] सं-हनन n. n. the act of striking together, [Suśr.] hardening, ib. solidity, compactness, robustness, strength, muscularity, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. firmness, steadfastness, [Śīl.] अ-स्° junction, connection (in ), [Nīlak.] agreement, harmony, [MBh.] the body (as having the limbs well compacted), [L.] a mail-coat (?), [L.] rubbing the limbs, [W.]