Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   The seven लोक or worlds; viz. भूर्लोक the earth; भुवर्लोक the region betwixt the earth and the sun, the world of the मुनी, सिद्धि &c.; स्वर्लोक the heaven of Indra, betwixt the sun and the polar star; महर्लोक the sphere of the sun and luminaries; जनलोक the abode of the sons of ब्रह्मा; तपोलोक the heaven of beings mighty in तप or austere devotion; सत्यलोक the heaven of ब्रह्मा and the ऋषि. These seven ascend one above another, and stand opposed respectively to the seven hells included under सप्तपाताल q. v.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सप्त—लोक  m. m. pl. the 7 worlds
सप्त लोक

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