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   { samāmnāyḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सम्-आम्नाय  m. m. mention together, traditional collection, enumeration, list, [Nir.] ; [Prāt.] &c.
सम् आम्नाय
   handing down by tradition or from memory, [MBh.]
   collection or compilation of sacred texts (esp. any special redaction of a Vedic text), [ĀśvŚr.]
   the sacred texts in general, [BhP.]
सम्हार   the destruction of the world (= ), ib.
   totality, aggregate, [W.]
   N. of शिव, [MBh.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समाम्नायः [samāmnāyḥ]   1 Traditional repetition or mention,handing down traditionally.
   A traditional collection (of words &c.); अश्व इति पशुसमाम्नाये पठ्यते [U.4.]
   Tradition, repetition (in general).
   Reading, recitation, enumeration.
   Totality, an aggregate, a collection; अक्षरसमाम्नायम् [Śik.57] (i. e. the letters from अ to ह which are said to have been revealed by Śiva to Pāṇini); वाचं वर्णसमाम्नाये तमोङ्कारे स्वरे न्यसेत् [Bhāg. 7.15.53.]
   An epithet of Śiva.
   The sacred text (like Veda) in general; पुत्र्याः समाम्नायविधौ प्रतीतः [Bhāg. 3.22.16.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समाम्नाय  m.  (-यः)
   1. Traditional repetition or mention.
   2. A traditional collection.
   3. Revelation.
   4. Enumeration, recitation.
   5. Totality, the aggregate.
   E. सम् and आङ् before म्ना to remember, घञ् and युक् affs.
सम् आङ् म्ना घञ् युक्

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