Dictionaries | References


   { samudayḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सम्-उदय  n. m. (rarely n.) coming together, union, junction, combination, collection, assemblage, multitude, aggregation, aggregate (acc. with √ कृ, ‘to collect or assemble’), [MaitrUp.] ; [MBh.] &c.
सम् उदय
   (with Buddhists) the aggregate of the constituent elements or factors of any being or existence (in later times equivalent to ‘existence’ itself), [Buddh.] ; [Sarvad.]
दुःखस्°   a producing cause (e.g. ‘the cause of suffering’), [Dharmas. 22]
   income, revenue, [Mn.] ; [MBh.]
   success, prosperity, [Mṛcch.]
   war, battle, [L.]
   a day, [L.]
उद्गम   = or समुद्गम, [L.]
   rising (of the sun &c.), [W.]
सम्-उदय  n. n. an auspicious moment (= लग्न), [L.]
सम् उदय


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समुदयः [samudayḥ]   1 Ascent, rising up (of the sun).
   Rise (in general).
   A collection, multitude, number, heap; सामर्थ्यानामिव समुदयः संचयो वा गुणानाम् [U.6.9.]
   The whole.
   Revenue; [Ms.7.56] (com. समुदयन्त्युत्पद्यन्तेऽस्मादर्था इति समुदयः).
   Effort, exertion.
   War, battle; महासमुदयं चक्रे शरैः सन्नतपर्वभिः [Mb.6.116.45.]
   The rear of an army.
   Finance, account; सर्वं राज्ञः समुदयमायं च व्ययमेव च । एकाऽहं वेद्मि कल्याणि पाण्डवानां यशस्विनि ॥ [Mb.2.233.53.]
   A producing cause; आश्रमेषु चतुर्ष्वाहुर्दममेवोत्तमं व्रतम् । तस्य लिङ्गं प्रवक्ष्यामि येषां समुदयो दमः ॥ [Mb.5.63.13.]
   यम् The rising of a planet &c.
   An auspicious moment (लग्न).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समुदय  m.  (-यः)
   1. Multitude, number, heap or quantity.
   2. War, battle.
   3. Assent, rise.
   4. Rising, (as of the sun, &c.)
   5. Effort, exertion, perseverance.
   6. A day.
   7. The rear of an army.
   8. Revenue.
   E. सम् and उद् before इण् to go, aff. अच् or णच्; also समुदाय .
सम् उद् इण् अच् णच्; समुदाय .

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