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   { styai }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्त्यै   cl. 1. P.स्त्यायति, to be collected into a heap or mass, [Dhātup. xxii, 14] ;
to spread about, ib.;
to sound, ib.;
cl. 1. Ā.स्त्यायते (pr. p.स्त्यानq.v.; ind.p.-स्त्याय; See नि-ष्ट्यै),
to stiffen, grow dense, increase, [Uttarar.] ; [Mcar.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्त्यै [styai]   1 U. (स्त्यायति-ते)
   To be collected into a heap or mass.
   To spread about, be diffused; शिशिरकटु- कषायः स्त्यायते सल्लकीनाम् [Māl.9.6;] [U.2.21;] [Mv.5.41.]
   Sound, echo.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्त्यै   1st cl. (-स्त्यायति)
   1. To sound.
   2. To spread about.
   3. To collect, to crowd; the form ष्ट्यै is irregular.

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