स्थावर mfn. amf(आ॑)n. standing still, not moving, fixed, stationary, stable, immovable (opp. to जङ्गमq.v. ), [TS.] &c. &c. firm, constant, permanent, invariable, [Āpast.] ; [R.] ; [Hariv.] regular, established, [W.] vegetable, belonging to the veg° world, [Suśr.] relating to immovable property, [Yājñ.] Sch. स्थावर m. m. a mountain (cf. -राज), [Bhag.] ; [Kum.] स्थावर n. n. any stationary or inanimate object (as a plant, mineral &c.; these form the seventh creation of ब्रह्मा See under सर्ग), [Up.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. स्थिर-त्व stability, permanence (v.l. ), [Subh.] immovable property, real estate (such as land or houses), [Yājñ.] a heir-loom, family-possession (such as jewels &c., which have been long preserved in a family and ought not to be sold), [W.] a bow-string, [L.] स्थावर b &c. See p. 1264, col. 1.