हिंस् 1. (orig. Desid. of √ हन्) cl. 1. 7. P. ([Dhātup. xxix, 19; xxxiv, 23] ) हिंसति, हिन॑स्ति (Ved. and ep. also Ā. हिंसते, हिं॑स्ते; 2. sg. हिंसि for हिनस्सि, [MBh. iii, 13269] ; pf. जिहिंस, °सिम॑, जीहिंसीः, [AV.] ; aor. अहिंसीत्, हिंसीत्, [RV.] &c.; fut. हिंसितGr. ; हिंसिष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; inf. हिंसितुम् [Ved. also हिं॑सितोः] ib.; ind.p. हिंसित्वा॑, [AV.] ; [Br.] ; -हिंस्य, [MBh.] ), to injure, harm, wound, kill, destroy, [RV.] &c. &c.: Pass. हिंस्यते ( aor. अहिंसि), to be injured or killed, [RV.] (in अ॑-हिंस्यमान) &c.: Caus. or cl. 10. P. ( [Dhātup. xxxiv, 23] ) हिंसयति ( aor. अजिहिंसत्), to injure, harm, kill, slay, [MBh.] : Desid. जि॑हिंसिषति, to wish to injure &c., [ŚBr.] : Intens. जेहिंस्यते, जेहिंस्तिGr. हिंस् mfn. 2.mfn. injuring, striking (See सु-हिंस्).