हृद्य mfn. mf(आ)n. being in the heart, internal, inward, inmost, innermost,
[RV.] pleasing or dear to the heart, beloved, cherished,
[RV.] ;
[TBr.] ;
[BhP.] grateful, pleasant, charming, lovely,
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
pleasant to the stomach savoury, dainty (as food),
ib.proceeding from or produced in the heart,
[L.] हृद्य m. m. the wood-apple tree,
[L.] a Vedic
मन्त्र employed to effect the subjection of an enemy or rival,
[L.] हृद्य n. n. white cumin,
[L.] the aromatic bark of
Laurus Cassia,
[L.] thick sour milk,
[L.] intoxicating drink made from honey or the blossoms of
Bassia Latifolia,